Telling The Difference Between A Cubic Zirconia And A Diamond at Cubic Zirconia Jewelry
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Cubic Zirconia Jewelry Reviews

Telling The Difference Between A Cubic Zirconia And A Diamond

Telling the Difference Between a Cubic Zirconia and a Diamond

Myriad people have always relied on the duplicate old method of telling a real diamond from a fake. If it scratches glass, then it is a real diamond. However, that is not true anymore. Over the years a cubic zirconia has been made to pinhead the most discerning eyes and they can silhouette glass, ever.

To be able to announce the difference between a cubic zirconia and a diamond you must learn the characteristics of the cubic zirconia. These same characteristics make them review similar to a diamond and also make them different from a diamond. Chances are you are not going to have this kind of scale put away on a shelf, but the cubic zirconia's hardness is measured to be 8. 3 on the Mohs scale whereas the diamond will register a 10. The cubic zirconia is flawless where as a flawless diamond is not only rare, but also very expensive. All diamonds will have some impurities in the stone.

Aggrandized characteristic of the cubic zirconia is the exhausted color it will have when exposed to sunlight for long periods of time. You can mark the stone in question with a grease tip pencil or felt borderline marker. Because diamonds compose grease while cubic zirconia repels grease the marking will not stay on the cubic zirconia.

Checking the transparency of the stone is other examination you can do on the stone you have purchased. Lay the stone in question on boon of a newspaper, if you can read the print through the gem chances are it is not a diamond. However, this test is not 100 %, so there is a transpire it is a diamond.

Also, the side edges of a stone can help you determine the real from the fake. The cubic zirconia's edges are sometimes rounded with some chipping. If the stone has very acerbic edges, you may have a diamond.

Then there is the fog assessment. Put fog on the treasure like you would a mirror. If the stone stays fogging for a few seconds, you may have a cubic zirconia. Real diamonds will quickly dissolve the heat. However, the result of this test is not reliable if the stone has accumulated any dirt and oil.

If by chance you have access to a carat scale or a gram scale. You can analyze the stone's weight. A cubic zirconia weighs more than a diamond with the stones both being the same size.

These tests can not be 100 % reliable in determining the fake from the real diamond. If you have paid for a diamond and think you may have acknowledged a good fake take it radically a qualified gemologist or jeweler.

There is nothing worse than paying for something you did not get. Thieves are using cubic zirconia stones to switch with real diamonds while pretending to shop at a jewelry store. Don't always assume your jeweler is a thief. It could be he was robbed first and hadn't noticed the doorknob in the fake diamonds for the real isolated.


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